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Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment fitting in Shrewsbury

Bright Motors Wheel Alignment

Regular wheel alignments are an important part of conscientious car maintenance. Unfortunately, many car owners fail to understand the importance of good wheel alignment, and therefore don't have their alignment checked often enough.

Better fuel consumption... There are many reasons why a car owner should be sure to get regular wheel alignments. Not only does having your wheels aligned properly save you money on petrol, tyres, and other potential repairs, but it also gives you better peace of mind to know that your car is being cared for properly.

Does your car experience..

  • Uneven or rapid tyre wear
  • Pulling or drifting away from a straight line
  • Wandering on a straight level road
  • Steering wheel off to one side whilst driving on a straight and level road

Bright Motors Tyres use state of the art wheel alignment systems.

Suspension misalignment increases tyre wear and can seriously affect vehicle handling and cost you money!

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