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Mot test Shrewsbury

Mot test in Shrewsbury

If your vehicle is 3 years or older you are required by law to have an annual DVLA safety check, commonly known as an MOT check or a VOSA MOT check

Your first MOT due date will depend upon when your vehicle was first registered. If in doubt, please give us a call and we will be able to check with the DVLA. Subsequent due dates will be shown on your current certificate or just call us for advice.

You may put your car in for an MOT check up to 30 days prior to the deadline without losing that time which will be carried over to the new certificate*

The purpose of the MOT is to ensure the vehicle meets the minimum safety level required by law.

Our trusted MOT service department will ensure that your vehicle adheres to road safety and environmental standards set by the government. We offer MOT tests and MOT-required repairs at an affordable cost without compromising on the quality. We believe that by providing a great value for money, friendly service, our customers not only come back year in year out – they also recommend us to their friends, family, and work colleagues.

Check your MOT renewal date here
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